Monday 14 July 2014

Hetalia Girls- Somewhat of a rant

Why hello everyone, and welcome to something that you will see a lot from me: rants and controversy.

Now, the Hetalia fandom, one of my main fandoms, is an easy one to start with. There is so much stuff surrounding it that it is kind of hard to avoid. Therefore, this will be the first fandom I tackle. And this is not the biggest topic in the fandom I could have picked!

FIRST OF ALL! I have a lot of experience with weeaboos and I used to be one myself. I no longer am, and run a blog based on critiquing Hetalia fanfiction, OCs etc. See if you can find it and guess which mod I am (Hint: It's on Tumblr.) Prize for you if you do.

Anyway! Let's go.

The Hetalia girls, as beautiful as they may be, are hated by a vast amount of the fanbase. Specifically, the weeaboo side. I don't mean every single one, no, there are some which mean no harm out there, but there is a massive problem with the majority of it. In fact, it's what the Hetalia fandom is known for. Now, as to what weeaboo are and how poisonous they are will be a video I will do soon (probably after my video explaining SJW) A lot of weeaboo hate the queens of the Hetalia universe because they 'get in the way of their yaoi' their 'precious yaoi' and 'steal all the boys' but as soon as you put them through the Nyotalia-O-Matic, they're all over them! Most of these fans also hate the Nyotalia characters (genderbends of the Hetalia boys, such as Rosie (Fem! England), Amelia (Fem! America) and Chun-Yan (Fem!China) then again, Chun-Yan did have a really bad voice actress in the Nyotalia episode.) but love others (the generbends of the Hetalia girls, such as Nikolai (Male! Belarus), Cecil (Male!Seychelles, my own fanon name for him) and Daniel (Male!Hungary)) Yet, these frustrating fangirls are the same people who go home to make female characters who are Mary-Sues and self inserts and are created just for the sake of shipping them with a canon character. Being someone who reviews these horrible OCs I must admit they are all over the place. Randomly picked places, no respect, and no reaserch. Or some reaserch, but then negating it all at the end( which is what happened with a review I recently did of a certain Ireland OC)

Now, It's no joke that I think these girls are misunderstood. And no more so than the queen of Hetalia girls, given a bad name by a bad VN and Himaruya's original mistake when it came to her skin colour, Seychelles.
Personally, I do not think there is any fault in her as a character. I think the fault was hidden in just how bad the game was, a dating sim no less, where she was the player character. Because she was the player character in a dating sim, which mainly revolved around 'Britian, or France' she is often accused of being a whore. And is the prime excuse for her hate. Because she can be shipped with anyone, at any time, easily, due to her rather undeveloped personality and bland relationships. Her main ships are with Monaco, France or England, as they are the ones who she has the most built up relationships with (but it's still not much to go on, and France x Seychelles is very controversial as it is.) still, due to how much she can get in the way of the yaoi (supposedly) and how 'shippable she is' and how much of a 'whitewashed mary sue' she is, she get the most hate. (Which is kind of rich coming from a bunch of people who own their own whitewashed Mary sues.)

Next thing comes up with Belarus.
Ohhhh Belarus. She is such a beauty. A misunderstood, yandere beauty. She's often given hate for being a 'psycho', or a 'creep' or something to do with her relationship with Russia. I find these all to be misconceptions. I'll leave a link underneath this unworthy little section to someone much more awesome than myself, but I'll try to summarise.

  1. Stalker thing- This pair (Russia and Belarus) can have a normal conversation about the weather or whatever, you know. It is possible. In fact, in one strip, it showed them doing just that. Russia also appreciates Belarus coming back after everyone else left him never to come back. Being the only one to do so, no matter who it was, if the same thing happened to you, you would have thought the same thing, felt the same way, would you not? There are hardly any fanfictions which actually manage to get Belarus in character, rather than forcing her down into one character trait. Now I think about it, this happens to a lot of characters (think Canada, England, France...) Which is one of the reasons I don't even try to write DanganRonpa fanfiction. 
  2. Villainous roles because of her nature and relationships. Usually a result of people flattening her down into just one trait. If there is even a villain in a Hetalia fanfiction, it will usually be one of three people. (Of course there are exeptions) one of whom is Belarus here. Usually written as the most yandere of yanderes, killing all who Russia may fall in love with or may fall in love with him. Yet, never is she shown in canon to raise her knives at someone. Yes, she owns them, but please, show me one strip where she actually threatens someone with them. Or any kind of weapon for that matter. So, yeah, once she broke poor Liets hands, but a kerb broke my hands so whatever. And hands heal, right? It's not as if she tried to destroy him by stabbing him in the heart. 
Link to an awesome tumblr post by my awesome senpai here

Finally, I bring up the last Hetalia girl of this post. (Don't worry, I will do a second post with the rest of them, including all the minor ones) The most popular, the most infamous girl of them all. The one with the most love, but also the most hate. 
You guessed it yet? No? 
There are so many reasons as to why this glorious girl is hated. Many are around how she gets in the way of PruAus. (Which I do not ship, may I add pruhun all the way) and being villainised (much like Belarus), being a fujiyoshi, and being a helpless, yet manly, woman. All of these things annoy me. I am a massive Hungary fan. So much so, that she was the one who convinced me to get off my arse and start actually learning Hungarian (one of the most complicated languages in the world). Anyway, let's get going. 
  1. On the fujiyoshi thing. A fujiyoshi is someone who is typically a woman and loves yaoi. Or boy x boy love. She is no doubt a shipper of some sorts, which causes some problems when it comes to her and Kiku 'teaming up' to get people together in many a fanfic. This annoys me to no end. Yes, Hungary is a canon yaoi fan. Yes, she may like slash. But no is that by any means a large part of her character. She is a strong, independent young lady, who happens to be a fan of that kind of thing. In fact, I would argue it is a very small part of her character. Hungary is so much more than just a slash shipper. And not all of the male characters could be gay. There is a massive chance that at some point Hima will confirm one of them as straight, or a. The only confirmed homosexual character is Sweden. In addition, reducing Hungary to nothing more than a match maker is extremely damaging to the character. 
  2. And now for the 'damsel in distress' argument. Resulting of one of the men in the frying pangle to beat one of the other men in the frying pangle in order to get Hungary out of any trouble she may be. Ahhhh the plot of many a fanfic. There is no need for anyone to save her. She is a fantastically strong character, who would most certainly fight back no matter who or what had hurt her. She's defeated armies of the strongest soldiers... you reackon she wouldn't be able to resist a slap from Austria? Good lord. Grow up. 
Another post on Hungary done by my awesome senpai

That's it for today! Don't worry, I will do more rants and things on the Hetalia girls. Though, I'm not sure what I will do my next post on. 
See you soon! 


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